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A redesign of the Kaiser Permanente also known as website For Northern California Region

My Role


I worked at the Northern California Kaiser Permanente facility since 2019 as a Technology and Wellness Center Specialist. My role was to support our Kaiser Permanente's Members on how to navigate website and the My Doctor Online App. In addition to that, I supported and taught members how to register their account, reset passwords, retrieve user IDs, as well as how to change their user profile personal information, select primary care doctor, and selecting a caregiver, etc.

My Experience


The Kaiser Permanente's Members who had the most challenges navigating the Website were Seniors, Non-English Speaking patients, and non-tech savvy patients who had a tougher time with the platform. Even so, members who were tech savvy also expressed their frustrations and pains about the applications and website. 

The common problems the members experienced were, forgetting passwords and how
to reset their password, getting locked out of their accounts, realizing they may or may not have a account, issues with bugginess with the website and app such as technical issues, error messages displayed are not clear to Members what it means, etc.

The Objective


  1. To create a user-friendly experience and satisfaction for users by displaying necessary and important information on the Website

  2. Create more accessibility for patients who are disabled, elderly, non-tech savvy patients, and non-English speaking patients by displaying the information clearly

The Challenge

  1. The website isn't user-friendly as it looks busy and hard to navigate specific information members need to solve their tasks.

  2. The website is very complex and large. The website also has a lot of links and information that aren't necessary on the home landing page.

  3.  The Kaiser Permanente website isn't following a grid system and information
    seems scattered everywhere.

The Solution

  1. Restructure how the information architecture is displayed on the Website

  2. Compare and Contrast other Healthcare Websites by researching and seeing what they
    are doing differently


  3. Display important information necessary for Members to carry out their tasks on the Website and App such as adding "Forgot Your Password or User ID," Contact Tech Support Team, etc.

  4. Create an easier way to find the necessary information to help members carry
    out their tasks on the platform such as ("Forgot my password or user id? or
    "Contact Tech Support Team for help) and add the Registration button/text on the
    home screen

The Research


In the early stages of the project, I needed to develop an understanding of the problem that Kaiser Permanente's patients are confronted with when visiting and logging into the Account or My Doctor Online App.


My research is to develop a better understanding of the member experience and to acknowledge their pains and frustrations, so they can have a seamless user experience when using the KP platforms. 

The Observations

As the Technology and Wellness Center Staff Member, I observed several issues the members were having:​

  1. When Members registers for account, the patients abandon or forgets about completing their registration process

    • ​Sometimes a Kaiser Permanente's Staff Member such as Member Service Representative, Primary Care Doctor, or their Family or Friends helps the patients register for the account, but haven't entirely completed the registration process

    • When this happens, their Primary Care Doctor or Medical Assistant will request the members to go to the Technology and Wellness Center to reset their account 

  2.  The Members experienced buggy and technical issues with the website and app causing cause them frustration and anger

    • The error message that's displayed is confusing and unclear what it means or asking the member to do.

  3. A majority of the Members get locked out of their account after 5 unsuccessful log-in attempts without informing the members before they proceed with the 5th attempt 

    • The error message that's displayed is unclear and confusing as it doesn't explain to the members why their account got locked out

    • The error message doesn't let the members know who to contact to reset their account.

    • Many members become frustrated and wonders why their platform is so
      complicated and difficult to use


  4. Many members especially (Seniors, Non-English Speaking Members, and Non-tech Savvy Members are unsure how to navigate and utilize the website and the My Doctor Online App 

    • Kaiser Permanete doesn't have a seminar or class to teach their Seniors, Non-English Speaking members, or Non-Tech Savvy Members​

    • These are the members who have the most difficulty especially during
      the Pandemic when everything was virtual 

The Persona


The User Personas are a collective of members who have experienced issues with the Kaiser Permanente website and the My Doctor Online App. So I have categorized 
3 User Personas that I will be focusing on:

1. Seniors Members

2. Non-Tech Savvy Members

3. Non-English Speaking Members


Competitor Analysis

I created a competitor analysis on different healthcare apps. I compared and contrasted the healthcare apps as I was doing my research. As I was doing my research, I was able to develop my mockups/wireframes and prototype and come up with a better look and feel, a user-friendly application screen and displayed the information clearer. 

The Competitor Analysis

I created a competitor analysis on the different healthcare websites. I compared
and contrasted the healthcare websites.

As I was doing my research, I was able to develop my mockups/wireframes and prototype and come up with a better look and feel, a user-friendly application screen
and displayed the information in a clearer way.


Brand Identity




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